Tuesday, September 3, 2013

When businesses let go and let someone else

Image source: mpiweb.org

Growing a company is not an easy task, especially with continually evolving demands in several aspects of the business. The factors that allow a business to thrive vary in every industry, but there is one in common: quality people.

Today, getting the right person for the job is not constrained by availability within the vicinity. Hiring people from another location is increasingly viable. Asia-based regional offices of global firms exercise this regularly, having built the ‘expat’ communities that eventually blossomed to full outsourcing workforces in East and Southeast Asian countries.

Image source: iabc.com

Still, traditional company management, defined by who ultimately has control over the kind of talent hired, may not always be open to the idea of outsourcing. Understandably, there might be apprehensions for some companies who cannot physically see how things are being done. With costs adding to the constant pressure to remain competitive, companies should learn to relinquish some control and trust the mechanisms they set in motion on the other side of the world. A manager might not be able to physically oversee the work of a team hired for a specific job, but that doesn't mean that things are bound to go awry.

Those who employ these services can constantly give feedback about the work done virtually, in real time. Companies like Amero Acquisition Partners offering specialized customer services provide frequent progress reports to clients. This part of the process is not just for information purposes but also for relationship building. More importantly, a culture of trust and transparency overpowers distance in building healthy business relationships across continents.

Image source: parago.com

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